80s vs. 90s!

A Pop Culture Event

Let’s party like it’s 1999… or 1989 if that’s what you prefer!

This Saturday, Oct. 12th it’s a theme party for all the nostalgia crew. We’re taking it back to the 80s and 90s “pop culture style” with an emphasis on the hits that shaped the times.


Michael Jackson vs. Prince, Bobby vs. Whitney, Run-DMC vs. Aerosmith, Madonna vs. Xtina, New Kids vs. Backstreet, NWA vs. themselves…


There are no holds barred on the music, as long as it’s CLASSIC! (There will be #NoCardiB #NoVybzKartel that night, sorry)


Dress code is not mandatory, but it is encouraged, this is a theme night!


1601 Birchmount Rd. (@ Ellesemere)

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